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An Impression In Every Sip.

Put Your Brand, In Their Hand

Advertising on coasters is an effective way to reach your target audience. With Drinkable Ads, you can place your ad on coasters in bars, restaurants, and other venues to ensure that your message is seen and remembered.


Coaster advertising directly engages consumers with your brand and has a higher recall rate than traditional marketing methods. Your ad will also be seen multiple times by each customer, as coasters are used and reused.


By advertising on coasters, you can make an impactful statement and be sure that your target audience will not forget your message. With Drinkable Ads, you can easily reach your target market and make an impact!

Why Drinkable Ads?

"Let the Taste of Refreshment Drive Your Brand!"

As San Diego's leader in coaster advertising, Drinkable Ads offers an effective and efficient way to reach customers in bars and restaurants. We work with you to design and capture customers’ attention with creative and eye-catching ads.


With a high return on investment for our clients, our services are a better alternative to traditional advertising. With Drinkable Ads, you’re sure to reach your target audience in an entertaining and memorable way.

Remember - There's an impression in every sip.

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Creative interactive ads!

We'll work with you to create an advertisement that's sure to leave a lasting impression!

America's Finest City

We are proudly partnered with a network of bars and restaurants throughout San Diego County.

Let's talk:



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